Building a better workplace takes focus and attention to detail. This blog helps you attack those details. Whether your are a manager, supervisor, mid-manager, business owner or HR manager, this Blog is for you.
Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert/Keynote Speaker
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Real Christmas Gifts
Occasionally I will buy something I don't necessarily need but would still like to have. And then there are some times that I receive a gift that I neither needed nor thought I even wanted but once I get it, I am pleased I did. Such is the gift from my daughter this year.
We had our Christmas celebration tonight as she is having Christmas day with her mom this year. We first did the gift opening in her living room before we spent some time preparing supper together. I gave my daughter a new set of kitchen tools: pots, pans, stainless steel prep bowls and a host of kitchen utensils complete with her own Chef's jacket. (All of these items came into play as we prepared supper together).
My gift came in a medium-sized gift bag; an official NHL Calgary Flames jersey complete with "Burns" and the number "08" stitched on the back. I immediately donned my jersey with a huge smile upon my face.
I admit that I am a pretty die-hard Flames fan but had never really thought to ever buy myself a team jersey. My daughter, perhaps an even bigger fan, found something that would be meaningful yet fun. (We swap text messages during most every game regardless of where I may be traveling. She keeps me up to date when I can't get a score on the game. It's a daddy-daughter bonding thing).
The real gift though, wasn't really the hockey sweater. The gift was that my little girl (now a grown woman) was paying attention over the course of the year, gave me a real gift of thoughtfulness and the most precious gift, some quiet and quality time together making and sharing a meal.
ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT: Christmas is never really about the gifts. It's about how someone else thinks you're worthy of a gift in the first place. The real gift is that there are people in your life who love you and admire you. Anyone who has love has a lot. Adopt your "Gratitude Attitude" this year. Remember, life is about the memories you make. That's what really matters when you look back. Thirty years from now I may no longer own my Flames jersey but I will have the memory of the smiles, excitement and laughter that my daughter and I shared tonight. And at the end of life, that's what really matters anyway.
Oh, and the Flames beat the Anaheim Ducks 4-3.
Monday, December 22, 2008
You Are Here
The weather across the country has been, well, wintry this year. The East Coast is getting hammered with snow this week. The central provinces have had their snow and Canada’s busiest airport, Toronto’s Pearson International, is still trying to catch up with the hundreds of delayed and canceled flights over the weekend due to heavy snow. Those flight delays and cancellations have rippled across North America creating a backlog across the continent. In the meantime, the Prairie Provinces have been hammered by snow and brutally cold temperatures. Then there’s the usually seemingly tropical West Coast - which usually has more rain during the winter - which has been pounded by snow this year (a foot of snow or 30cm which is huge in areas where hardware stores don’t normally stock snow shovels) this weekend alone. It’s white right across the country and we’re just a few days from Christmas.
In fact, this morning, as I was starting my car to warm it up because the temperature this morning was at -28°C (24° below zero F), my neighbor from across the road asked if I would give him a jump. Now if you’ve never heard that term (it is so Canadian), it means to help him start his car by connecting “jumper” cables from my car battery to his. Sometimes cars don’t start when it’s cold like this. I was pleased to oblige.
I recall my Uncle in Northern Ireland once asking me while I was on a visit there, “So what kind of temperatures do you have in Canada?”
I replied that depending on the area of the country, you could see swings of +40°C to -40°C (112°F to 40° below zero F).
Incredulously he asked, “Well why do you live there?”
Funny, but I never really thought about it before. I just live here. It’s the way it is and it is definitely winter (first day of winter was yesterday) in Canada. Canada is where I have chosen to live and the weather is the weather and there’s not much we can do about except embrace it and deal with it.
ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT: As you walk through the shopping malls at this time of year looking for a particular store, you may find yourself in front of the big mall directory sign by the entrance. The most important thing on that big sign is the little red arrow that simply reads, “You Are Here!”
Nothing else on that sign makes any sense without the “You Are Here” arrow. And that’s the way it is in life. Without knowing where you are, you will never find a way to where you say you want to go. So as you take stock of the year you have just completed and begin to set your sights onto where you want to be in 2009, tell yourself the truth. Where you are is not the fault of the economy, the government, your boss, your spouse, your education, your circumstances or anything else outside of you. You are where you are by your own doing – no exceptions.
The economic downturn happened. Were you ready for it? Did you make the decisions this year that prepared you or hindered you? You always have a choice – always. You may not like the choices before you but there’s always a choice. (This part will require a serious attitude adjustment for some. If you’re resisting this idea, then life is NEVER going to get any better for you – ever.)
My friend and mentor, Ken Larson, says something that makes such perfect sense, “If you aren’t living your life by design then you are living your life by default. If you aren’t actively choosing to design your own life then you are living by default, and allowing anyone else’s design to be your life.”
Over this Holiday season, do something that helps you take better control of your own life for 2009.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Featured Expert in Safe Supervisor Magazine
Last week, Dave Duncan of Safe Supervisor, interviewed me on a host of topics related to safety in the workplace. Primarily, our discussion centered around how to get non-complying workers to come around and to embrace the on-the-job safety procedures.
Safety Naggers Need a Bag of New Tricks
This is a two-part series on how supervisors can deal with workers who have an “attitude” and resist working safely. The first segment will look at how supervisors can approach such workers in a manner that doesn’t involve nagging. Part two will examine what supervisors can do to rein in workplace “cowboys” and what can be done when words aren’t enough to budge a bad safety attitude.
The interview is a two-part series that will be published in both the February and March 2009 editions of Safety Supervisor.
Safety IS an Attitude!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Leadership Versus Management
a) Accident of birth? Leaders are born not made?
b) Demographics? Maybe there is only one leader for every 1000 managers?
c) Training? Do our education systems train managers rather than leaders?
d) Selection? Maybe true leaders don't get selected in favour of managers or get screened out, or just maybe are not recognized as leaders?
e) Desire? Maybe folks just don't want to lead even if they have the skills & aptitude?
Sorry, I don't buy into the belief that Leaders are born. Anyone can become a leader of any organization at any time. All that is required is a firm commitment to better oneself at every turn, acknowledging every foible and be willing to accept it and to continuously make improvements – real lasting improvements in becoming a better, more decent human being.
Service is an Attitude. Customer Service is a department.
Safety is an Attitude. Occupational Health & Safety is a program.
Engagement is an Attitude. Work is a job.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Employee Engagement Free E-Book
Monday, December 15, 2008
Step-Aside Attitude Adjustment
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Playing For Change

Sign up at for updates and exclusive content. Join the Movement to help build schools, connect students, and inspire communities in need through music.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bringing Outsiders In
Monday, December 08, 2008
Cheap Or Safe? You Choose.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Your Mission Statement
If you've never taken the time to figure out what your Mission Statement is, then I'm going to hazard a guess that the organizational Mission Statement is full of generic messages that mean nothing at all and doesn't resonate with you or the people you work with.
"To be the best while offering superior service to our customers." (Boring)
"Treating our employees with respect so they can respect and serve our customers." (Yawn!)
"To be a successful organization making a healthy profit and leaving the world a better place." (Huh?)
How in the world are your people supposed to engage themselves on specific work if the mission or purpose of the work is not specific? Be specific. Be creative. Be bold. No really. Do it.
ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT: Employees get a job description which is fairly detailed and specific in its duties. Why then is the purpose of the work not specific. Here's what needs to happen in your place of work during those slow days over the Christmas holidays when people are in the office just no one feels like actually working: assemble a team of thinkers and doers among your people from all levels of your workplace. Lock yourselves away in a board room and don't come out until you have a single sentence that every single person on staff can buy into - helping each employee engage in a purpose for doing the work. This is a great New Years resolution. Get at it and start making the work more meaningful.
Kevin Burns
Author & Attitude Adjuster
Adjusting Attitudes in Employee Engagement - Service Leadership - Corporate Safety
Toll-free 1-877-BURNS-11
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
A Disturbing Question
Sunday, November 30, 2008
How To Engage Employees
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Whiners Are Leaders Too
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Get Rich - Right Now
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Feature Interview on
HRGuru is an online community dedicated to advancement of current and future human resources professionals and of the improvement of HR as a whole. Members of HRGuru tap into this community of like-minded individuals for their daily dose of business news, tools and tips, and job searches.
In 2008, HRGuru joined with Monster Worldwide (Nasdaq: MNST) to accelerate growth and to improve the career and educational opportunities for our members. Monster's vision is to bring people together to advance their lives, which is a perfect fit for HRGuru.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Silliness Is Everywhere
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What Goes Around Comes Around
“So how much media do you need to take in before you start to recognize you feel bad about the state of the world, the state of your city, your health, your car, your community, etc? I have said be careful of your inputs before. Be careful what you listen to, what you read and what you absorb. The media is often the absolute worst source of information. The news is now made up of opinion as much as it is fact today.”
I witnessed first-hand this week exactly what Marty was writing about. The eleven o’clock news on Global Television (owned by Canwest Global) lead with this story: an Internet television production company catering to the energy sector is laying-off ten employees (out of 100). Could this be the sign that the energy sector in Canada is in trouble? Even the spokesman for the company played it down, “We had to hire pretty quickly when the big boom was on. Now that things have started to settle down a bit we’re simply letting go some of the people who aren’t a really good fit with our organization.”
Are you kidding me? The energy sector is in real trouble because an Internet television production company is laying-off a few people – can you smell my sarcasm in this one? Is this story big enough to justify the “lead” story on any newscast? Will the people of Alberta wake up tomorrow morning and find that their world has changed because of these ten layoffs?
Even the next story, in a blatant attempt at sensationalism, was a little over the top: Westjet Airlines only made a $55 million profit in the last quarter – down from $72 million in the same quarter one year ago. As the Westjet spokesman said, “We are still the most profitable airline per ratio in North America and Top 3 in the world.” Global news tried in vain to show how the economy is crumbling because of Westjet’s "huge" drop in profits.
Literally, I was swearing at the television and the twenty-something news anchor who simply reads the story the way her News Director says to. Oh tell me it isn’t so. The world is coming to an end. Ten people were laid-off and Westjet only made $55 million profit (just in case you missed that last word - PROFIT) in ninety days. Just to put it in perspective, that's a profit of over $600,000 each and every day for 90 straight days.
But then today, proof positive that what goes around comes around. Newspaper publisher and broadcaster Canwest Global announced Wednesday it was cutting five per cent of its workforce across the country, or about 560 jobs, as part of its streamlining of operations in the face of an economic slowdown. The elimination of 210 broadcast and 350 publishing jobs involves voluntary buyouts, attrition and layoffs, and is expected to reduce annual operating costs by about $61 million, the company said in a release.
Attitude Adjustment: What you think about you bring about. You will always find what you look for. You will attract those things that you most worry about. Be careful what news and opinions you expose yourself to. Become a voracious reader. If you’re going to read a newspaper each day, read two – just for balance. If you’re going to watch evening news, watch them all and sort of the chaff from the wheat yourself. If all you do is subscribe to conspiracy web sites, well there's no hope for you. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the better our judgment. With good judgment, we are already ahead of most. As Mark Twain once said, “A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.” And be very picky about who you get your information from and the influences that surround you daily.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Web Surfing In The Sky
Here's some of what their Press Release had to say:
Air Canada intends to begin operating Gogo (on-board Internet Service) by spring 2009 aboard Airbus A319 aircraft on select flights to the U.S. west coast and will be accessible by customers with a standard, wi-fi equipped laptop or Personal Electronic Device (PED). Initially, the Gogo system will be powered by Aircell's (the company providing the Internet service) existing network and only available in the U.S. in order to make Air Canada's rollout fast, economical and simple. Upon successful completion of the initial phase, Air Canada plans to extend the system throughout its North American and International markets as Aircell's coverage network expands.
So, the only question I have: Will I have to pay for it once I'm on board? You've got to know that there will always be a charge while you're being held captive in a steel tube hurtling through the air at forty thousand feet. Where else can you go?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Quality Service Marketing Interview Part 2
Human Resources - The New Corporate Sales Force
Corporations are competing with each other now more than ever over potential employees who don't speak the same language as the people trying to recruit them. It's not done purposely. It's just that Gen Y's fresh out of university don't often get appointed to the post of HR Director. Therefore the people doing the hiring now are older than the people they're hiring and the truth is that the recruiter and potential employee may not speak the same language.
Once upon a time, a Human Resources manager was pretty much the go-to person if you had questions about company benefits or wanted to confirm your number of vacation days. Outside of those two things, most employees were at a loss to explain what HR really did. So, what exactly is HR's responsibility in the corporate world today? Outside of what any HR professional would care to explain, ultimately the job is Sales. HR pros, you can go ahead and argue this one but if you do, you're missing my point (and probably a lot of really good people in the process).
Every job is sales and service. Think about it, sales and service is the starting point to how every company grows and prospers. If your organization is looking for the future stars of tomorrow then you've got to start finding them, attracting them and selling them on why they should come to your organization. That means you're in sales. And you had better be able to speak the language too.
Now, don't get me wrong. There are plenty of people who are willing to drop their resume on your desk in the hopes that you will hire them. There are a lot of people looking for work throughtout the USA and Eastern Canada. There will always be a steady flow of applicants. But what I am talking about is the top talent - the talent that every organization would love to have and the kind of talent that probably already has a job and is in high demand.
So, as an HR pro, consider stealing away valuable people from other organizations. If you want the good people you will have to go out and get them. Their current employers are probably trying to keep them too. Getting them to talk to you is going to take a little selling.
(Note: If your good people are being lured away and not near as many good people are joining your organization, then you have a corporate culture problem. You are going to have to sell even harder now to change that culture.)
The new Gen Y worker doesn't speak "Boomer" and has a resume that looks more like a road-trip hotel itinerary than a Curriculum Vitae. HR pros need to brush up on the jobs they are trying to fill. They need to know exactly what is entailed in every job (probably wouldn't be a bad idea to actually spend a little time in each department getting to know the inner-workings of your own organization if you expect to be able to attract and sell that top talent to come work at your place).
The new HR pro had better know their competitors too. Potential employees will want to know how you stack up against your competitor and you had better have a really good answer - something more than just platitudes of "honoring employees" and "respectful communications" and (ugh - my favorite) "a team-focused environment." Be real. Tell the truth. Acknowledge your weaknesses and show a potential employee how their contribution will actually make a difference to the organization and the culture.
So let's see: HR people have to know the language, need to be able to see through the gaping holes in resumes, need to know virtually every job in their own organization (that's called Product Knowledge), they need to network where these new workers are and lastly, they need to know their competitors and find that competitive advantage. Yep, sure sounds like Sales to me.
Attitude Adjustment: the HR pro that looks at the job as a sales position will be the winner in the search for top talent. If you think the job is some ivory-tower position, the best you'll ever do is to get is the leftovers after the good ones have already been picked. Start reading the books on selling and you'll quickly move further ahead than the HR person who refuses to believe that good talent needs to be acquired, schmoozed and ultimately, communicated with on a completely different level than the person who walks in with a resume hoping that you're hiring today. The marketplace is changing quickly. So should you.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Humor In The Workplace Is A Joke
As a professional speaker who likes to make people laugh while they are learning something valuable, I am on occassion mistaken as someone who delivers keynote presentations on humour in the workplace. I don't. In fact, I don't see the value of sitting around and trying to be funny for the sake of trying to improve morale. Sorry, I just don't get it. I think laughter needs to be heartfelt - not put on. (Think about how uncomfortable it is to be around someone trying too hard to be funny.) Some people are funny and some are not. It's almost painful to watch someone with no sense of humour trying to be funny. Hey, I don't try to be tall.
So this week I stumbled onto the results of the T-Mobile Workplace Motivation Report. Fifteen percent of those surveyed actually believe that joke-cracking has a demotivating influence. Workers don't feel motivated by colleagues who spend their time joking around and making flippant comments meant to be funny.
The research showed that workers prefer to be surrounded by upbeat people with a "can-do" attitude. Also a calming influence are people who can remain calm in the face of adversity - those who are unflappable and have a "Trust The Process" attitude.
I know a few speakers who conduct "humour in the workplace" sessions. I've never really understood how humour helps improve engagement, leadership or service. It's the same, to me, as wasting a lot of money on personality profiling - are you an introvert, extrovert or even what "color" you're supposed to be. How does that help you get more done, serve customers better or improve your performance results?
When times of economic uncertainty hit us, I want to be hanging out with the calm and "everything-is-going-to-be-alright" attitude guy. I don't want to have to turn to the jokester whose own humour during crisis times turns to blank-stared, crazy-nervous laughter.
Attitude Adjustment: I still think it's a good idea to have a sense of humour in the workplace - just don't annoy your co-workers with your giggles. As a boss, think about how you could better spend your training budgets by helping to actually improve your employees which will improve the workplace. Clown noses at work are just dumb. How is that going to improve the attitudes and performance of your people during times of economic downturns? Help make more of your people unflappable instead of funny. Bring a sense of calm to your workplace first and your people will have more fun as a result.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Customer Is Rarely Right
Now, also imagine your boss walking in on the conversation as the customer increases his abusiveness towards you and your boss sides with the customer. How would you feel? Would you feel like the rug was just pulled out from under you? Would you feel your value decreased? Would you pledge your undying loyalty to the company from that point forward? Would you give a damn about the customer anymore?
The sad truth is that this is happening all too often. Bosses, in their mistaken belief that “the customer is always right” will sometimes do whatever is necessary for the sake of keeping a customer (and his or her money) – even if that customer abuses one of his or her employees.
The customer is NOT always right. In fact, it could be argued that the customer is “rarely” right. Sometimes the customer is a jerk. Does being a jerk make a person right?
If you want to keep, not just your good people - but all of your people, working for you, then fire the customers who are insensitive, rude to or abuse your staff members - regardless of who that staff member is. Tell the customer that they are no longer welcome in your business. Refuse to take any further orders from them. Stand up for your people (hey, you trained them, paid for that training and have coached them all the way along – don’t let them down now).
You can’t afford to keep customers who make your staff look like idiots. Money in a wallet doesn’t give a person the right to act like a jerk. And as a staff member, don’t allow yourself to be belittled in the name of job-security.
Bosses, imagine that one of your top performers witnesses a lesser performer getting dumped on by a customer and you, as a boss, do nothing to stop this from happening. You will not only likely lose the loyalty of your lesser performer but your top performer as well.
In a situation like that, everyone, regardless of the performance abilities, will see exactly what kind of company he/she works for. Jumping to the defense of a top performer in the same situation and not jumping to the defense of a poor performer shows complete insincerity. You will not keep any performers if you are not genuinely dedicated to your staff.
Managers serve their employees - not the other way around. Staff serves customers; manager serves employees; the CEO serves managers, employees and shareholders. Every one serves someone. Employee loyalty is far more important than customer loyalty. If you are going to charge your employees with serving the customer, you had better make sure they feel that you (as a manager) are loyal to them if you want them to be loyal to the customer and in turn, make the customer loyal to your business.
Attitude Adjustment: The days of dumping all over your people and the fairy-tale belief that "the customer is always right" is dead. You will never have a relationship with your customers if you don't have a manager to employee relationship that works first. Think long and hard on this one. Customer loyalty is only as strong as employee loyalty. Serve your employees well so that they may serve your customers in the same way. If you, as a boss, don’t stand up for your people, you will probably end up serving the customer directly - you’ll be the only one left in the workplace willing to work with you.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Kevin Is Featured Guest This Week and Next
Sybil Stershic, of Allentown, Pennsylvania and author of the book Taking Care Of The People Who Matter Most: A Guide To Employee-Customer Care interviewed me this month on a range of topics. Part One of a two-part interview is now on her Blog - The Quality Service Marketing Blog.
Feel free to have a look at our interview as well as the rest of her Blog. There are some great insights into offering quality service regardless of your industry.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Eye-Opening Survey Results
American Management Association:
Being kind to employees seems to be the right move for a boss when it comes to boosting performance.
Out of 660 respondents, the findings are as follows:
75% characterized their boss as “kind.”
- 84% of these said they plan to work for their company a long time
- 74% said they look forward to going to work each day
- 70% said they work as hard as they can
- 73% said they believe they can speak candidly with their boss
- 84% said they believe their boss really listens
- 47% of these said they plan to work here for a long time
- 32% said they look forward to going to work each day
- 54% said they work as hard as they can
- 42% said they believe they can speak candidly with their boss
- 24% said they believe their boss really listens
Generation Y workers, the youngest of the four generations in the workplace, are not making a great impression on the job.
200 recruiters polled and the findings are as follows:
Who are the Great performers?
- 20% Gen Y
- 58% Gen X
- 63% Boomers
- 25% Traditionalists
- 30% Gen Y
- 5% Gen X
- 4% Boomers
- 22% Traditionalists
Human Resource Professionals Association in partnership with retirement lifestyle consultants Life’s Next Step
627 HR pros surveyed and the findings are as follows:
With somewhere between 20% and 40% of the workforce scheduled to retire over the next five years, is your organization prepared for the coming talent shortage?
- 14% are fully prepared
- 60% are somewhat prepared
- 23% are poorly prepared
3000 British workers surveyed and the findings are as follows:
Almost half of British workers waste about a third of their workday pretending to be working. Typical time wasted: 2 hours 20 minutes every day.
96% admitted to doing unnecessary tasks to avoid work at some point in their workday.
Attitude Adjustment: We’re in trouble people – unless we all get a serious attitude adjustment soon.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Millenials vs Baby Boomers
My answer to this question may seem like a bunch of rash generalizations since one cannot lump all Baby Boomers together and claim that they all have the same value and skill sets nor can you expect that all Millenials have the same sets of values because they were simply born around the same time. Labeling workers based on the year they were born seems a little ridiculous to me.
With that being said, let me say this. As Baby Boomers, we (I am one) were taught the value of achievement. In other words, in high school, winning a gold medal in the 800 meter race was met with perhaps nothing more than a grunt from a father, whereas today, parents will throw a celebration for the child who comes home with a “participant” ribbon.
We have become a much softer society who perhaps tries to shelter our children from the realities of the world. This is the Oprah generation – the generation whose family watched Oprah just prior to supper and has a family discussion about what Oprah said today. These same kids, who are now grown, have entered the workforce with a much more pronounced spiritual side yet at the same time have had many of life’s rewards simply handed to them instead of having to earn it.
Boomers have earned everything they have; Millenials may have had most of it handed to them. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Millenials don’t have a strong values set. Some do and some don’t. Some Boomers work hard and some don’t. Some Gen X’ers have learned the value of applying themselves in their pursuit of excellence and some have not.
However, there is a skill set that the average Millenial possesses that is mind-boggling to the average Boomer: the propensity to use technology. For most Baby Boomers in the workforce today, remembering back to childhood and not seeing a TV remote control in the house until they were into their teens is not uncommon. Color cable television was a celebration as a huge leap forward into new technology. I could make a comment about “Pong,” “Pac-Man” and Commodore-64’s here but suffice it to say, we’ve come a long way in a short period of time.
The Millenials, however, have never had a day that didn’t involve the use of computers, cell phones or portable entertainment devices. For Boomers, a chat was something you did over coffee. For Millenials, chatting is something you do over Java.
Boomers grew up with the notion of finding a good job that they might become proficient at. Millenials have entered the workforce searching for a good fit as opposed to a good job. Each Millenial has a skill set that they hope to be able to use. They don’t work well for organizations that happen to have a position and are just looking for a body to fill it. Millenials want the job to fit them and not the other way around. And at the end of the day, Millenials will leave the work behind whereas Boomers will take it home to finish. Boomers hope to one day achieve a decent work-life balance. Millenials are looking for a life-work balance: life comes first and work comes second.
And when you hire a Millenial, you hire their entire network of friends. MSN, Twitter, SMS and other forms of electronic hand-holding by their friends will be turned on in the workplace. The Millenial may be at work for you, but they are still connected to their network. Ask them to shut it off during work hours and you will be faced with filling a vacancy in your organization. Old school management does not work in today’s Millenial market. Give a poor performance review to a Millenial and that employee’s mother may call to ask why. Why should a job-performance review be any different than a parent-teacher meeting?
Attitude Adjustment: How do you engage the opposite ends of the workforce spectrum? For Boomers, it’s a matter of laying out the project parameters clearly: time frame, responsibilities, expectations and hierarchy within the project. Then, step out of the way and let the Boomer get it done. Oh, and if you expect it will take the whole day to get it done, expect it to be worked on overnight.
As for a Millenial, ask for input on how the project should come together. Give them the responsibility to make the decisions, don’t make them climb a ladder of hierarchy to ask a question, loosen the time frame (4‘ish?) and offer the opportunity to address key areas you’d like explored as well as anything they might feel is of value to the project. If you would expect the project to take all day, don’t. In fact, expect it in your email Inbox completed by noon that same day.
As for praise, give a Boomer an “attaboy,” privately with a handshake and heartfelt thanks. As for Millenials, you guessed it, a very public celebration.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Abundance vs Scarcity
I heard a great quote from Warren Buffet, last week. Buffet, if you don’t already know, is the most successful investor ever in the history of the world. Buffet’s advice? “If you’re not prepared to own a stock for ten years, you shouldn’t own it for ten minutes.”
In other words, think long-term. Markets fluctuate. It’s the focus on a short-term buy and sell that can create uncertainty, worry and sometimes panic, not within the market but within the individual buying and selling. That panic then spreads to other areas of his or her life because everything always comes back to money doesn’t it?
There are always short-term events in life that creates uncertainty and sometimes worry or panic. And this global economic slowdown is simply one of those events that will come and go over time. It’s not permanent. It never is. Even the Great Depression wasn’t permanent. We got over it and our economies bounced back and grew. And we will weather this storm too.
There are two attitude choices you can make for your life: not just when a financial crunch comes but something you can practice in good times and bad. Those two choices are to have either a “scarcity” mindset or an “abundance” mindset.
I will let the words of Steven Covey explain it better:
Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else.
The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit – even with those who help in the production. They also have a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people.
The Abundance Mentality, on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.
Attitude Adjustment: Before you start to panic, remember that newspapers need to sell big headlines to get you to buy them, TV networks need to sensationalize in order to bring their viewership up. Don’t rely solely on one news outlet for your perspective. There are an “abundance” of perspectives out there. Check out varying web sites, TV news, radio commentators, newspapers, periodicals, blogs, etc. Everyone has an opinion. You will find that there are as many people willing to lessen the severity of the current economic outlook as there are people who are willing to profess that the sky is falling. You owe it to the important people in your life to practice an attitude of “abundance” and not to panic. These current world events are temporary. This too, like every difficult time in our history, shall pass and you will be OK.
Monday, October 06, 2008
How To Engage On The Job
Employee engagement IS an attitude. It’s an attitude based on values, morals and ethics instilled within the individual. If an employee was never taught or learned that their word is golden (specifically that the agreement they made to work in exchange for the paycheck), then they will never really feel compelled to be fully engaged on the job nor will they ever go over and above the bare minimum in the performance of their duties.
If, however, one of the employee’s values is to keep their agreements and not allow excuses or justifiers to stand in their way, they will perform the job to the best of their abilities. That employee understands that by accepting the offer of employment in the first place, there is an expectation that they were hired as simply the best candidate and carry within them a belief that employment is a privilege and not a right.
People who have a strong set of values and a good sense of doing what is right will always perform their duties to their capacity and will engage themselves in their work.
It is for that reason that I believe that employee engagement is not necessarily something that can be taught directly but, in fact, can only be instilled by soft-skills training: personal development, personal leadership and values-based life strategies. To employ someone in a position where the values of the job are in conflict with the employee’s set of personal values is a waste of a company’s time and money. You can’t fully engage an employee doing a job that goes against everything they believe and expect the employee to give up their own personal and life-long held views of the world.
It is for this same reason that a company’s values need to be developed not by a bunch of expensive-suited executives, but instead must be a grass-roots effort from the people who actually do the work. If the employees develop the corporate values, the chances of the employees engaging themselves in the delivery of those same values are far greater. Corporate values cannot be thrust upon the employee. There has to be a buy-in.
Attitude Adjustment: Engagement comes from values. Any and all discussions to the contrary just don’t line up. Employee engagement is an attitude. Without a strong sense of self-worth, the value of the contribution by that same employee will be much less. To attempt to fully engage an employee with low self-esteem or poor personal values would be futile to any organization. Develop the individual at the personal level and the engagement on the job naturally increases. When the self-worth of the individual increases, their pride in the work they do also naturally increases. When "doing a good job" is a value that becomes instilled in the individual, the engagement level on the job increases. The more you put into your employees, the more you will get out of them. The more you improve yourself, the more the things you do improve.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Should All Rules Apply?
We used a little extra runway for takeoff - there's a lot of extra weight with these big guys. The pilot probably didn't account for the extra weight when we landed since we hit the tarmack a little harder than usual.
But as I de-planed (is that even a word?), I noticed that my carry-on bag was the same size as most of the players' bags. Regulations say the bag must fit in the sizing device at the airport and weigh no more than twenty-two pounds. How come there's a weight limit to my bag but not to the person who is carrying it?
Now I'm not saying big people shouldn't fly. Get over yourself if that's what you're reading into this. I'm saying that maybe the airlines could cut guys like me a little slack when a bag is say 5 pounds over. Apparently it's OK to carry an extra hundred pounds on my body but not OK for five pounds in a bag.
Should all rules apply all of the time? Or should we be allowed a little judgment call from time to time?
Just a little food for thought.
Kevin Burns
Author & Attitude Adjuster
Adjusting Attitudes in Employee Engagement - Service Leadership - Corporate Safety
Toll-free 1-877-BURNS-11
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Soft Skills vs. Technical Training
First of all, the training listed in the question is, I believe, technical skills training. These are not soft-skills training courses. Soft skills training is the kind of training you would offer to make the individual a better person, not a better manager. Management development IS technical training – you are training a manager for the work place. That’s a technical skill. However, a personal leadership development course which grows a better individual with better self-confidence and compassion is a soft-skills training course. The better the individual, the better that individual would perform their job.
I believe that business gets better when the people in the business get better. Improve the individuals at the personal level and the workplace will naturally improve. In fact, ask yourself, “Will the workplace deteriorate when the people I work with become better, decent, courteous human beings? Of course not. The truth is that sales get better when the sales people get better. Customer service gets better when the people who serve customers become more compassionate, understanding and communicative. Management gets better when the managers get better.
Most technical training (sales, communication, time-management, teamwork, etc.,) in the workplace is a complete waste of money. Organizations and corporations throw away billions of dollars every year on useless training that is designed to make people more proficient at a job that they, as people, are not capable of doing. And it’s not because they don’t want to become better. It’s because they, as people, lack the “self” skills to do it better (self-confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline, self-motivation, etc.).
Here’s what I mean by that. Let’s just say that there are ten representatives working in your sales department. Five of the reps have outstanding sales track records: they consistently hit their targets every month, customers love doing business with them and they seem to achieve their targets effortlessly. Then there are the other five reps who struggle every month to come close to meeting their targets. They can’t seem to get motivated to either get on the phone or make the in-person sales calls. They struggle with dealing with tough customers and know, in the backs of their minds, that they need to improve their respective performances or risk being let go.
Here’s what many companies would do: bring in a sales trainer to improve “company sales.” Even though five of the ten reps are consistently meeting their targets, the company thinks sales training is the key to get the whole team performing well. So, in comes the sales trainer to solve a problem that is clearly out of his realm since the problem isn’t corporate sales, it is five specific sales people. So the company penalizes the five top-performers by making them sit through a course that they already don’t need help with, and then place the five under-performers into a situation where they are now being studied by the peers – and judged as well.
Sales training is a waste of time on someone who lacks the self-confidence to ask for the sale, pick up the phone or make a cold-call in person. Time Management training is a waste of time on people who have no self-discipline. People without self-discipline revert back to old ways because, well, they have no self-discipline to stick with a new strategy. Teamwork training is wasted on individuals who have low self-esteem since they already feel they don’t deserve to be part of the team. And on and on the list goes. You can’t build a structurally sound house on a shaky foundation. In the same way, you can’t build a high-performer out of someone with a poor sense of self-worth.
Attitude Adjustment: Leadership is an attitude – management is a title. Service is an attitude – customer service is a department. Engagement is an attitude – employment is a paycheck. One is personal and one is technical. Organizations, on their own, work fine - it’s people who screw them up. Fix the people (at soft-skills level) and you fix most every problem in the organization.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Waiting On "Hold"
I have heard this message twelve times so far, "Are you looking for a career in the telecommunications industry? Telus currently has open positions for call-centre agents. For more information, visit our web site."
Hmm, something tells me I'm going to be on hold a little bit longer.
Thanks Telus for the second-best laugh I've had today.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Attitude of Leaders As Hosts
So what does leadership look like in your own life?
Let’s say you are having a social gathering at your house. That would make you the host and those who attended your party would be guests. When in someone else’s house, the guests all defer to the host as being the leader. In other words, you are not managing the party, you are hosting it. The guests will join the host (the leader of the party) even sometimes begrudgingly if the host wants to play a game of charades. It’s the host’s party. We, as guests, will follow along. When there are followers, there must be a leader.
I read an interesting article recently about the concept of “hostmanship” as opposed to the concept of customer service.
There are six fundamentals to hostmanship:
1. Serving others
2. Perceiving the whole
3. Taking responsibility
4. Being caring
5. Searching knowledge
6. Practicing dialogue
The hostmanship web site describes hostmanship as the following:
Hostmanship without pride is empty and cold. In contrast to service, Hostmanship is focused on practice, on people as hosts, on the cultures of businesses, and on the capacity of organizations to tie it all together. Being a host is much about having the courage to let loose your talents and express your personality – to be brave enough to serve every person as she is and to listen to the needs she expresses. Hostmanship also differs from service in that it’s not about treating others as you yourself want to be treated. Hostmanship is to treat a person as she wants to be treated.
Seth Godin, in his Blog, wrote this past week:
If I pay $1000 extra for a first-class seat, odds are the flight attendant will be nice to me. If I pay $2000 extra for the presidential suite at the hotel, odds are the front desk clerk will be nice to me. If I give the valet $50 to park my car, odds are he'll be nice to me as well.
So, here's the question: if all I want, the only extra, is for someone to be nice to me when I visit your business, how much extra does that cost?
I think there's a huge gap between what people are willing to pay for nice (a lot) and what it would cost businesses to deliver it (almost nothing). Smells like an opportunity.
Attitude Adjustment: Is it your right to host your guests or to serve your customers? Or is it a privilege? Shifting your attitude away from customers simply being dollar signs to a nicer approach, that they are your guests, will go a long way to providing you with customer loyalty, better employee engagement, a more courteous and considerate way of dealing with those who choose to support you and, finally, a solid foundation upon which you can build your business and business relationships. Change your mind. Change your attitude. And serve your “guests” as you would wish to be “hosted” at their places of business or even their homes.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Big Rig - Little Brain
It was late afternoon as I drove on the four-lane highway. I found myself in the left lane slowly passing a big-rig truck who was just under the speed limit in the right lane. As I successfully got past him, I was unable to change into the right lane as some slower traffic was just ahead so I stayed in the left lane. The big-rig that I had just passed had apparently just called upon all of the horses under the hood and was accelerating quickly in the right lane now - well over the speed limit.
In my mind I thought there is no way he can get all of that rig into the space between me in the left lane and the car just ahead in the right lane. But he tried and without any consideration for any other vehicles he attempted to change lanes just as his back wheels were even with my back wheels. Had he continued to change lanes he would have either knocked me into the median or I would have to go there voluntarily. He put his rig just across the center line and tried to force me to either jam on the brakes (which I couldn't as there was a vehicle coming up behind me) or drive into the ditch. He then, aggressively put his truck back into the left lane to let me go by.
As I passed him I could see him waving his arms, looking at me and mouthing obscenities. I read, just below his face, the sign on the door: Marshall Trucking and the toll-free number. Once past the line of slower moving cars I pulled into the right lane as he flew past me well over the speed limit. I called the toll-free number.
I explained my story to the dispatcher who made a quick radio call and left the line open. She said the following to the driver: "Some guy out on the highway is complaining and wants you to slow down."
She came back on the phone and dismissively said, "Good enough?"
"Nope," was my answer. "Let me speak with your safety supervisor."
I was connected with Dean who listened intently. It was only when I identified myself as someone who works in safety attitude did he seem to genuinely take an interest in my story about his company and his driver.
Attitude Adjustment: If your company has vehicles on the road, please remind your drivers that they are flying the flag of the company when they drive. And if you get a complaint from one person, you can multiply that one phone call by fifty. Fifty is at least the number of people your driver has likely affected but only one stood up to make a complaint. I don't care if you're short-staffed and can't find any other drivers. If one of your drivers chooses to be unsafe on the roads, you should fire him immediately. It will save your company's face and send a very strong message to your other drivers to get with the program. The fast-moving highway is no place to have a little brain behind the wheel of a big rig.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Arrogance vs. Attitude
Let's be clear. In most instances, it's not "management" that is arrogant. It is the individual people who hold the title "manager” who may be arrogant. Some managers have come to believe that their title carries with it a deluded belief that they are superior to those who work for them. Change the attitudes of the individuals and you can begin to successfully change the culture throughout the organization. But without acknowledging the existence of the arrogance attitude within oneself, there is likely to be little change in this regard.
Management is not the same as leadership. Management is a title. Leadership is an attitude. I doubt that a true leader, one who genuinely wanted his or her people to become better, smarter and more efficient and to become the best people they could become, would operate from a place of arrogance. But one who chose to try to keep his or her minions down would be operating from that arrogance place.
Here’s a self-test for managers: have you met every single person in your department and had at least one conversation with each of them? If not, what is keeping you from doing that? I can guarantee that employee engagement will increase when the employee begins to feel that their contribution matters. Leadership is encouraging performance that perhaps even surpasses the abilities of the leader. Leaders are selfless. It’s impossible to be arrogant when an individual is selfless.
In any organization, it is not only leaders holding management positions. In fact, arrogant managers actually fear employees who are perceived by their peers as leaders within the ranks. Employees with leadership abilities are influencers. Arrogant managers fear influencers who could undermine their position.
But a real influencer may also be able to influence the arrogant manager by having a private conversation, away from prying ears. It takes courage but it is possible.
Also, it takes courage from consultants and speakers to say what needs saying instead of plying platitudes to ensure the check gets signed. This is an all-too-sad truth in our industry – saying what is safe to say instead of saying what needs to be said.
Attitude Adjustment: There is good news on dealing with arrogant managers. As the market changes (customers expecting better service, expectations of quality products, purchasing patterns, economic forces, etc.,) so will the attitudes of managers ... eventually. All is not lost. This transition time, as Boomers leave the workplace and are replaced by Gen Y's or Millenials, the dynamics of the relationships between those at the top and those who actually do the work will begin to change. The one saving grace is that the customer (us) can tell the difference. We customers vote with our dollars. When the polls (dollars) start to swing away from those organizations with arrogant leadership, the shareholders of those same organizations will correct the problem in short order. The market always has a way of correcting itself.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Die, Conference Dinner
I ran across this article recently in Meeting Planners International magazine. I thought it was brilliant, so much so that I felt compelled to share it with you. If you are a Meeting Planner, pay attention. If you have attended one of these events, well, enjoy. It was written by Tony Carey, CMP.
It would be difficult to invent an occasion better designed for social discomfort than the end-of-convention dinner with its incompatible mix of stale etiquette, corporate protocol, culinary sensitivities, age, gender and cultural frictions all squeezed into a few short hours that, for many participants, seem like an eternity.
Pity the poor association meeting planner (for it is in this field that the tradition survives in its purest form), required to devise a social activity in which the preordained ingredients leave scope for nothing more creative than changing the colour of the table linen.
The evening’s schedule must include a drinks reception, a dinner of at least four courses, a speech by the chairman, another by the principal guest, a series of toasts, the presentation of awards, dancing and then—to show that the organisation isn’t as old-fashioned as the previous four hours have conclusively proved—a disco.
Given the diversity of delegates at most association conventions, few of them will enjoy all these ingredients. For the younger attendees, the reception and the disco fail to compensate for the dinner discomfort and the tedium of the speeches. For the older ones, failing digestion, hearing and prostate glands make the meal an ordeal. Women (who are promoted to “ladies” for the occasion) are invariably disappointed by the men whom they are placed next to, but at least they have the pleasure of putting on a party frock. Generally speaking, men do not share women’s enthusiasm for dressing up. This may be because dress shirts shrink two sizes between uses.
Protocol demands that men and women should be seated alternately at the dinner table. This is arguably the most ridiculous piece of social etiquette since the invention of the fish knife and, fortunately, is increasingly ignored. Any good host will tell you that compatibility and mutual interests should determine a seating plan—not gender.
Would any half-professional meeting planner dare to inflict on delegates, in an auditorium, the levels of discomfort that are deemed acceptable at a banquet? No. Ten guests to a round table ensures that some can’t see the speakers and, as if the room wasn’t hot enough, everyone stokes up on calorific food eaten off warm plates. To further challenge the air conditioning, each table has a candle.
It is a physiological fact that women feel the cold more than men, so, of course, the ladies appear in backless, strapless, insubstantial little numbers (invariably black) which attract welcome attention and an unwelcome chill—while conformity demands that the gentlemen perspire in tuxedos. But I digress.
So the meal has ground to an indigestible conclusion, toasts have been drunk and the awards presented. The chairman has finally sat down to lethargic applause, so it is time for the band to strike up with a tune that only 25 percent of those present will recognise as music and to which no one will dance.
By this time (midnight), the ambient noise has reached battlefield level ensuring that conversations with foreigners—especially Virginians—have become impossible.
Most of the men would rather talk than dance, and most of the women would rather dance than talk. But the single girls have a problem: since most of the younger generation is propping up the bar, their choice of dancing partners is limited. They can choose from another woman, a septuagenarian, a drunk, their own handbag or the Greek they were sitting next to at dinner. (It’s a particularly bad evening if all they can find is a drunk old Greek with a handbag.)
But it is at this point that the group—which has been held together all evening by the glue of conformity—really splits up. The very old and the married couples go to bed, the very young escape to joust, sweatily, in the disco, while the middle-aged singles bribe the barman to remain at his post so they can rearrange the world.
Ironically, because everyone ends the evening doing what they enjoy, the event will be regarded as a considerable success. Such is the amnesic power of alcohol.
TONY CAREY, CMP, CMM, is a speaker and consultant. He can be reached at or via his Web site,