Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eye-Opening Survey Results

Perhaps we’ve become deluged with surveys but over the past week I’ve seen some survey results that were interesting enough that I thought I’d pass them along.

American Management Association:
Being kind to employees seems to be the right move for a boss when it comes to boosting performance.
Out of 660 respondents, the findings are as follows:
75% characterized their boss as “kind.”
  • 84% of these said they plan to work for their company a long time
  • 74% said they look forward to going to work each day
  • 70% said they work as hard as they can
  • 73% said they believe they can speak candidly with their boss
  • 84% said they believe their boss really listens
14% considered their boss a “bully.”
  • 47% of these said they plan to work here for a long time
  • 32% said they look forward to going to work each day
  • 54% said they work as hard as they can
  • 42% said they believe they can speak candidly with their boss
  • 24% said they believe their boss really listens
11% were neutral
Generation Y workers, the youngest of the four generations in the workplace, are not making a great impression on the job.
200 recruiters polled and the findings are as follows:
Who are the Great performers?
  • 20% Gen Y
  • 58% Gen X
  • 63% Boomers
  • 25% Traditionalists
Who are the Poor performers?
  • 30% Gen Y
  • 5% Gen X
  • 4% Boomers
  • 22% Traditionalists

Human Resource Professionals Association in partnership with retirement lifestyle consultants Life’s Next Step
627 HR pros surveyed and the findings are as follows:
With somewhere between 20% and 40% of the workforce scheduled to retire over the next five years, is your organization prepared for the coming talent shortage?
  • 14% are fully prepared
  • 60% are somewhat prepared
  • 23% are poorly prepared
3000 British workers surveyed and the findings are as follows:
Almost half of British workers waste about a third of their workday pretending to be working. Typical time wasted: 2 hours 20 minutes every day.
96% admitted to doing unnecessary tasks to avoid work at some point in their workday.

Attitude Adjustment: We’re in trouble people – unless we all get a serious attitude adjustment soon.

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