Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Video: Create A Mission For Your People

Create A Mission For Your People from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.

Missions Statements are so muddled full of ambiguous language usually created by committee that has dumbed down and watered down any idea to be so empty of any meaning, that no one could take ownership of it. Don’t ever let a committee prepare your mission statement. So how do we fix it?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Video: Employees Are NOT Created Equal

Employees Are Not Created Equal from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.

Too much effort is spent in managing people into conformity. The truth is that too many managers want one employee to be just like another employee - one who models the traits and gets the results management likes. It's counterproductive when managers start trying to manage their employees the exact same way. It's worse when they expect each employee's results to be the same.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

How To Handle 100+ Emails/Day

How To Handle 100+ Emails/Day from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.

Are you a manager who handles upwards of 100 emails per day? Well, the bad news is handling 100 emails a day is not management. That’s treading water. If you’re treading water as a manager, you’re doing it wrong.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Video, Kindle and Embracing Change

Video, Kindle and Embracing Change from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.

Workplace Expert, Kevin Burns, talks about recent predictions and current realities when it comes to change. Cisco predicts that by 2013, 90% of Internet traffic and 64% of cell phone traffic will be to watch videos. Kindle format books now outsell traditional paperbacks and hard-covers. Change is upon us. Are you ready?