Monday, September 29, 2008

Waiting On "Hold"

So I'm on hold with the call-centre at Telus, the phone company. I have been on hold for about twenty minutes now.

I have heard this message twelve times so far, "Are you looking for a career in the telecommunications industry? Telus currently has open positions for call-centre agents. For more information, visit our web site."

Hmm, something tells me I'm going to be on hold a little bit longer.

Thanks Telus for the second-best laugh I've had today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't get many calls at our house: but we still pay Telus for a land line (one of the joys of living in rural Alberta is that cell coverage is not good enough to warrant letting go of old technology). Wouldn't you know it, the one night that someone is trying to reach us on a family emergency is the same night that Telus 'decides' ot have a line outage in our area. I, too, heard their 'on-hold ad' and thought much the same thing. Hopefully, they are recruiting staff to replace their annoying (and not very efficient) IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition) robot. That thing is next to useless.