Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rice Pudding on Filter-Free Friday™

Last weekend, Mother's Day weekend, a restaurant had a new dessert feature on the menu: rice pudding. Now granted, rice pudding can be a tough sell. You either like it or you don't. But a good rice pudding is sweet, creamy deliciousness for fans of it.

Six people over the course of the supper hours ordered the rice pudding and ate every bite of it. The problem though, is that the rice pudding wasn't rice pudding. It was risotto base - creamed Italian rice with no flavoring.

And not a single customer complained or spoke a word about risotto masquerading as rice pudding. Whaaaaaat?

As customers, these six people suck. These are not customers I would want in my restaurant. I want my customers to at least say something. By the way, each customer was asked how their meal was and also asked how the "rice pudding" was tasting? And still, no one said a thing.

On Filter-Free Fridays you say something. Cripes, on any day you say something. How are businesses supposed to serve you better if you lie to them? How are organizations supposed to improve if you just lay down and take it? And worst of all, what about the people who will follow you and will be subject to poor service or poor quality or, gasp, risotto masquerading as rice pudding? Come on. You have a voice. Use it. Speak up. Say something. You don't have to be mean and trust me, companies will always welcome honest feedback. It's how you build a service-focused organization. But they can't improve if you say everything was "fine."

Stop being a pushover customer and then complaining to your friends and family after you've left the business. A lot of good that does. Voice your opinions immediately. Let them fawn all over you and make things right. Send back bad food. Tell the blowhard at the staff meeting that maybe it's time others had a chance to voice their ideas. Tell your neighbor to knock off mowing the lawn at 7 am on a Saturday. You live here too.

Filter-Free Friday is the day you take off the filters that seemingly prevent you from telling the truth and you say something that helps others get better - helps them approach excellence. And you do it in a non-hurtful way. Simply plant your feet, stiffen your spine and speak your truth - in an effort to make it better for others who will follow. The selfish thing to do is keep it yourself. The generous thing to do is to help make life better for others. Speak up.
Kevin Burns - Follow Me on my new Facebook Fan Page
Excellence Attitude/Culture Strategist
Speaking Web Site

Creator of Filter-Free Fridays™
Creator of the 90-Day System To A Greatness Culture™

Coming Soon Kevin's 8th Book - "Your Attitude Sucks - Finding Your Excellence In A Wasteland of Mediocrity

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