Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5-to-1 Is The Rule

Researchers have found that for every one negative comment made between couples, there needs to be at least five positive comments made just to even out. Any less than five positive comments for every one negative comment and the couple's relationship is likely to end in divorce. That can be determined with 94% accuracy based on the five-to-one ratio.

So what does that mean for you the middle-manager? It means the very same thing at work. In fact, it's likely that you spend more time with an employee than he or she does with their spouse during the week. So the same rules of engagement apply. For every negative comment, eyes rolled, mockery, criticism and tone of voice, you had better have not less than five nice things to say, jokes, smiles and laughter if you don't want your good employees to divorce (quit) you.

As mentioned in yesterday's blog post, if the only time you speak to your people is to crap on them, they're going to quit you in short order.

Workers don't respect your title. Workers respect the individual who holds the title - but only if he or she is worthy of that respect. And in the same way you would only stay with a spouse who respects you, your people won't stay with someone they can't respect.

Five-to-one: that's the rule. Five nice things to every one criticism. Now, get out of your office and start building your relationships with kindness, coaching, mentoring and respect.
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Creator of Filter-Free Fridays™
Creator of the 90-Day System To A Greatness Culture™

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