Monday, May 03, 2010

Mid-Managers Learn From Hockey Coaches

Right now, there's a hockey game playing in the background. It's spring and that means NHL Playoffs. There's already been a lot of upsets and I think it's great.

While superstar players take a seat on the bench and catch their breath, coaches lean down and whisper instructions, tips, ideas and motivation into the ears of players - guys who out-earn the very people they take their cues from.

But that's what the coach is supposed to do. Once a player reaches the big leagues, it's not fait accompli. There's still lots to learn - even for the best in the game today.

A corporate middle manager is just like a sports team coach. The job is to guide, instruct, inspire, critique and improve the performance of their players.

Middle managers used to think they were somewhat powerless having no control over corporate policy and little opportunity to address upper management with staff concerns. But the truth is that the biggest influence on an organization's corporate culture is the middle manager or front-line supervisor. These are the people who either make it a great place to work or a lousy place to work. That means that it is imperative that a middle manager keep sharp on what's happening in the market, what new technologies are coming and how to communicate with the different generations.

If you're a middle manager and are not keeping up to date on what's happening in your own market, on what inspires and engages your people and what you can do to bring out the best performance of your people, then I would hazard a guess that you're in the way and holding back some talented people. That needs to change - and quickly.
Kevin Burns - Excellence Attitude/Culture Strategist
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Creator of Filter-Free Fridays™
Creator of the 90-Day System To A Greatness Culture™

Coming Soon Kevin's 8th Book - "Your Attitude Sucks - Finding Your Excellence In A Wasteland of Mediocrity

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