Sunday, October 04, 2009

Attitude of Soliciting Advice, Expertise and Wisdom

Once upon a time, we asked our questions of people with experience and we called them "mentors" or "advisers." Either way, we looked up to them. They were hard to find because they didn't advertise their advice for a fee. You had to know someone who knew someone and had to make an appointment to get an hour or so - which was as valuable as any treasure. Wisdom was (and still is) rare.

Today though, coaching schools are turning out coaches who have no experience in the areas they claim to have expertise. Not all are like this but there are many. Here are just a few examples:
  • There are divorced relationship coaches.
  • There are broke financial coaches.
  • There are wellness coaches who smoke.
  • There are leadership coaches who have never led anything.
  • There are management coaches who have never managed.
  • There are sales coaches who were mediocre sales performers at best.
  • There are business coaches who have never owned a business.
  • There are life coaches who are 24 years old.

But then there are coaches who ARE experts in their areas of expertise. There are people who have done it. These are the people/coaches/mentors we should be asking for advice and willingly paying for.

The experience and expertise (wisdom) in some heads is worth paying for. Others, not so much.

Wisdom over schooling always. Choose wisely. 
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE

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