Soloman Asch, a Polish-born social psychologist, was one of the first to show that people blindly follow others in order to fit in. In fact, the findings from this experiement from the 1950's would probably be even worse today.
Asch chose some 123 unwitting test subjects to, one at a time, sit amongst 8-10 other so-called "test subjects." The 8-10 other were not actually test subjects. They were "plants," planted into the experiment with full knowledge of the details.
Each test subject was shown these test cards below and each was asked to identify the line that looked closest to the Reference line and to voice their choice out loud. The actual test subject would voice his or her choice last.
The 8-10 plants all gave a wrong answer forcing the test subject to either go along with the majority or stick to his or her guns and voice what he or she thought was the right answer. 75% of the test subjects gave into peer pressure and knowingly gave a wrong answer. When asked to explain why they chose the wrong answer, the subjects blamed their poor vision or said, "There were so many against me that I thought I must be wrong."
You know the right thing to do at work. You know how to treat a customer with respect. You know how to show up on time and do your real work during the day. You know how to not take advantage of your employer by checking out early or surfing the Net because you're bored. You know that the customer is the lifeblood of your organization. You know that stealing paper and paper clips is still theft. You know that talking about co-workers behind their backs is petty and mean. You know that whining and complaining about the job affects your co-worker's productivity.
So when you see your co-workers doing the opposite of what you know to be right, how come you sit back and say nothing? Because you are part of the 75%. You will give up what you know to be right so that people will like you. You don't want to cause problems for your co-workers even when they are blatantly doing the wrong thing, treating customers with disrespect, stealing office supplies or backstabbing.
Grow a spine. If you don't speak up you then you, by default, give your blessing to this kind of behaviour. Not speaking up only fosters more of this behaviour. And if you're worried about someone losing their job because you said something, then let me ask you this: are you OK with working with morally bankrupt, disrespectful, backstabbing thieves?
Where's your Attitude of Leadership? Think for yourself. Set a standard. If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE
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