Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Thanksgiving Attitude of Gratitude

This is the Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. I'm not sure why Canadians celebrate 6 weeks earlier than the US (actually, the first celebration of Thanksgiving was actually celebrated in Canada in 1578...43 years before the pilgrims arrived in Plymouth). Perhaps the pilgrims hung out here for our Thanksgiving and then spent some time devising a plan for what theirs would look like when they landed (could have happened.) Maybe they took a little sabbatical in Canada after the arduous journey across the Atlantic - you know, kind of a long, long-weekend to get rested up before they made history just south of Boston. Anyway, this is the weekend that Canadians give thanks.

You don't need to actually have a special day to give thanks. You are allowed to be thankful all of the time. Thanksgiving day is simply to remind you of what you should be doing the other 364 days of the year - being thankful for what you've got.

This year, during the toasts at the dinner table, more people will probably be giving thanks for having a job. There will also be a higher number of people who are giving thanks for their families, their health and their roof over their heads despite being jobless. I guess as Canadians, we could be thankful for the how quickly the economy has turned around. We are one of the first G8 countries to emerge from recession. We still have a ways to go but we are on our way. Things will be better soon.

An Attitude of Gratitude is needed to weather the tough economic storms. Finding your internal gratitude for all of the things that life throws at you not only makes you stronger, but actually increases your chances of success.
  • Gratitude helps you attract more opportunity and better relationships.
  • Gratitude generates far more success than does a sense of entitlement.
  • Gratitude allows people to sleep better at night with less worry.
  • Gratitude makes people happier, less stressed and overall better workers.
  • And finally, people who possess an Attitude of Gratitude are chosen as leaders, are promoted more and are chosen for job positions more often than those who choose not to show their gratitude.
If ever there was a case to be made to give thanks for whatever it is life has handed you so far, that last point is the one that matters. Give thanks for all of it.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE

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Anonymous said...
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lmh said...

Well said. I find an attitude of gratitude combined with common courtesy is a powerful tool in both business and personal relationships. Just like our mom's taught us - imagine that.