Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Leadership Is Missing The Point

Leadership is NOT the be-all and end-all of the workplace or of personal development. Contrary to what many of the so-called leadership experts may claim, it is not all there is. You do not need to aspire to achieving leadership nirvana before your life becomes complete. In fact, focusing only on leadership is short-sighted. Here's why: leadership is only one of seven equal components within greatness - becoming something remarkable. Greatness is something that both an individual and an organization might aspire to and achieve - without the need for witnesses.

The whole concept of leadership is focused on the individual - not on those who would be affected outside of the individual. It's why you regularly hear about "bad leadership" or "an absence of leadership ability" - things which can not be measured without including those who might be affected by their very existence.

Leadership's major flaw, unfortunately, is that its very nature is self-focused: the purposeful improving of only oneself. One can not be in a position to influence others without focusing all of their improvement attention on themselves first.

Greatness, however, is outward-focused. It is not only about improving oneself but it is also about subsequently improving the world and benefitting those that greatness touches.

Leadership is simply measured by success while greatness is measured by significance. You may want to read that last sentence again so as to not miss its importance.

You can not lead if they will not follow. But you can be great regardless if they are petty, mean or obstinate. Greatness requires no involvement from others. Leadership, by its very definition, requires followers for without followers, there can be no leader. In the same way as a tree falling in the forest, without those to lead, is there a need for leadership?

Greatness requires no one or thing to be present in order to be great. In fact, one can still be great, do great things and leave a legacy or a mark which might only be discovered years later. Greatness is focused on making a difference regardless of whether someone is there or not to witness the act.

Leadership, therefore, is an attitude which, combined with six other attitudes can lead both an individual and an organization to greatness. Greatness is the willingness to act, to improve and to be significant regardless of whether others are involved or not.

Leadership is about the little picture. Greatness is about how one can improve the big picture. One works with the other but unfortunately, once most achieve that leadership nirvana, they stop thinking about how their actions affect the big picture. It's why so many so-called "leaders" will never be great and how leadership almost always misses the point.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE

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Anonymous said...

I am grateful to be "touched" by Kevin's "Greatness" in his blog...he says it so clear I totally get it!

Yuva said...

I agree Leadership is an "attitude" connected with people and narrow picture.

That's why leaders with greatness think of stakeholders, society and environment, not just shareholders alone.

The financial crisis surfaced a side of leadership attitude (profit innovation)but in the end there was no big picture - greatness!