Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Three Most Important Things in Life

About a year and a half ago, I was asked what I believed to be the three most important things in life. I posted my response to my Blog at that time but some time has passed since then and I recently took another look at it to make sure I believed the same as I did back then.

This was the original question asked: "The 3 most important things in life....In Life we all encounter success, happiness, pleasure, despair, failure, suffering, frustration, the unlovingness of our own hearts and of those around us, and so on and at the end of it all we know some day we are going to die but we love struggling. The struggle of aspiration and achievements never comes to an end and throughout the journey we follow certain principles, morals and ethos. What, according to you, are the three most important things in life?"

In the original discussion that ensued, many responses from others included "happiness." If you have attended any of my keynote sessions, you already know I don't subscribe to happiness being the result of anything. So, here is the answer I wrote:

Although happiness seems to be prevalent in the other answers, I do not believe that happiness is the result of anything: it's a choice. No job, no spouse, no amount of money, no thing or person will ever deliver lasting happiness (momentary joy perhaps but not lasting happiness). Therefore, happiness is not on my list.

Here is my list of the three most important things in life:
  1. Mission/Purpose - something to wake up to every day and look forward to accomplishing. Some of us do it in our work. Others do it in off-hours away from work. Having a mission for your life gives your life meaning and purpose.
  2. Integrity/Values - knowing the difference between right and wrong and having something to stand for. As the saying goes, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
  3. Appreciation/Thankfulness - from self and others. Being able to count one's blessings daily gives you a positive perspective. Feeling appreciated for your contributions makes one want to contribute even more. I call it gr-Attitude.
Three things. Three very important things. All leading to success.

What are your three?
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes...simple truths and always insightful!