Do you work for a good boss? If you're a manager, are you a good one? Bob Sutton, author of The No Asshole Rule recently penned a list of ten signs that you work for a good boss. It was too good to pass up.
You work for a good boss if he/she:
1. REALLY listens to what you say, doesn't just pretend.
2. Is careful to give you as much -- or even more -- credit than you deserve.
3. Sticks-up for you behind your back.
4. Takes care not to embarrass you.
5. Apologizes sincerely and completely when he or she does something that upsets or hurts you.
6. Goes out of his or her way to make it easier for you to mesh the challenges in your personal life with your job.
7. Is respectful of your time.
8. Takes time to learn your quirks and idiosyncrasies -- and accommodates them within in reason.
9. Goes the extra mile to make sure that you succeed at your job and keep developing skills.
10. Doesn't bullshit you about your weaknesses or screw-ups -- tells you the truth.
Go ahead, make a copy and leave this anonymously on your boss's desk.
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