Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Numbers Don't Tell The Whole Story

It would easy to run a business or any organization by concentrating simply on the numbers because the numbers don't lie, do they? The numbers tell you how you how you are doing. If you have numbers, you don't really need charismatic leaders, encouraging managers or highly-motivated staffers do you? No, if it were all just based on numbers, you could have personality-deficient drones running your place of work. (Wait a sec - isn't that what's already happening?)

You see, focusing only on the numbers is what sinks most organizations into mediocrity because it's the things outside of the numbers that dictate how the numbers come to be in the first place. Let me explain:
  • 54% of customers choose to do business with an organization based on Attitude factors: ease of service, approachability, friendliness, after-sale service, return policies, etc. 
  • Over half of your customers choose you for something other than product knowledge.  
  • Any customer who really needs product knowledge can probably find it on YouTube. 
  • It's the Attitude Factors that separate one organization from another.

Do you have a favorite coffee shop? How about a favorite restaurant, clothing store, hair stylist, etc? What makes these places your favorites - product knowledge? Or is it because of how you are treated when you get there?

Good managers do more than judge team performance by just the numbers in a report. They tune into the attitudes, behaviors and factors that you don't see - the factors that move the organization from mediocre performer (found in the numbers) to an excellent performer (the reason why people call it their favorite).

Excellence is an Attitude. An excellent manager will encourage their excellent employees to bring their excellent personalities to work. Mediocre managers, however, will settle for any warm body in a job. Any manager who settles for a mediocre employee is a mediocre manager running the mediocre organization into a permanent state of mediocrity.

For some managers, excellence seems like too much work - but usually just for those who don't demand it of themselves. Try to discover that by simply reading a numbers report.
Kevin Burns - Excellence Attitude/Culture Strategist
Speaking Web Site http://www.kevburns.com

Creator of Filter-Free Fridays™
Creator of the 90-Day System To A Greatness Culture™

Coming Soon Kevin's 8th Book - "Your Attitude Sucks - Finding Your Excellence In A Wasteland of Mediocrity
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Karla said...

My colleague made a similar analogy about the managers and staff in our division. Two managers are like cow/calf producers, they like their cows, they know each animal and their characteristics, they strive to provide good care to prevent any issues or deal with issues very quickly, they manage for top performance and cull the mediocre/under performers. The other 2 managers are like feedlot operators, they could care less about their animals, it's all about the NUMBERS, production, profitability and efficiency, there is no customizing rations or care. Unfortunately the feedlot is full of too many that just smile and Moo.

Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert said...


Thank you. Priceless analogy. Always felt like cattle in the line-up at a bank. Even Temple Grandin figured out that you have to treat the cattle nice to keep them calm and productive, even on the way to the slaughterhouse. Keep chiming in. Always refreshing.
