Monday, March 01, 2010

Engage In Something Meaningful

Managers who spend endless amounts of time sitting in their offices waiting for the next crisis to handle normally find themselves handling a lot of crises.

Managers whose Attitude is that staff need to be watched usually find things to need to watch their staff about. In other words, they will always find things wrong that need addressing right away.

Managers who have developed an Attitude of praising their people usually find that they have much to praise their people about. People work well for managers who appreciate contribution.

There is always much discussion about how to get employees to engage better in their work. Focusing solely on engagement is a mistake. Engagement is what you want the end result to be. It should not be the focus of the strategy but rather the result of implementing the strategy.

The truth is, employees engage better when the work means something. When a manager praises them for their effort, then the work means something. When customers return and are loyal because of the employees efforts, then the work means something. When the company or employee are recognized in the community for their tireless efforts to make their community a better place, then the work means something. When lives are changed, families are helped and problems are solved, then the work means something. When the work is defined as people giving service to people, then the work means something.

You will never get employees to engage themselves in work that doesn't mean anything. Managers need to make their workplaces meaningful if they want to engage their employees. It is not meaningful to find fault with your people or to sit and wait for another disaster to handle. That is how you make the work look futile - not meaningful.

Create a culture of meaningful work and you create a workforce of engaged individuals.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE by Kevin Burns - Corporate Attitude/Culture Strategist

Creator of the 90-Day Strategy to Greatness Culture

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this line: Managers who spend endless amounts of time sitting in their offices waiting for the next crisis to handle normally find themselves handling a lot of crises.