Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Managers Are Boring Their Staff

Managers are encouraging the relentless pursuit of mediocrity through repetition, routine and regurgitation that disengages people to treat the work as just a job. Managers who are too focused on following the rules and not enough on encouraging new ideas for new times serving new customers with new products are making it impossible to become organizations of greatness by forcing workers to stick to routines instead of rewarding innovation.

Everything about your business has changed except how you let your people do the work. Innovation is what engages people. Innovation is what gets people excited about coming to work. New things get people to re-focus (think about how happy your people get when they receive a new computer). They love new challenges and new products. Why would you think they wouldn't enjoy a new way of finding solutions to age-old, boring traditions that take too long to accomplish and are, well, they're boring?

Tradition, however, encourages boredom. Repetition encourages boredom. Boredom encourages disengagement. Stop focusing on doing things they way you've always done it. Your new Gen Y hires don't have those same traditions and they don't understand why you're still doing it the old way. Managers who can't relate to their staff also make it hard for them to feel excited about the work.

Kevin Burns - Corporate Attitude/Culture Strategist
Speaking Web Site http://www.kevburns.com

Creator of Filter-Free Fridays™
Creator of the 90-Day System To A Greatness Culture™

Coming Soon Kevin's 8th Book - "Your Attitude Sucks - Creating An Oasis of Greatness In A Wasteland of Mediocrity
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