Trust is NOT something you earn. In fact, if you are ever put in a place where you feel you have to earn trust, it means you were mistrusted prior. That's a horrible place to start in business, in friendships and in relationships. If you mistrust out of the gate, you've got some serious "baggage" you need to sort out.
You either trust someone or you don't. Black and white. There's no middle ground. You can't sort of trust someone. If you think there's a middle ground, you need an Attitude Adjustment.
We trust people until they give us a reason to not trust them.
Starting out with a feeling of mistrust for every single person, every single organization, every single new idea is not how you do business. If the whole world thought that way, new companies would never get off the ground, new employees would never be hired, new salespeople would have EVERY door slammed in their faces, every new innovation or idea would be summarily dismissed if we didn't trust people to be basically honest, good people.
Trust is given until proven otherwise.
However, earning respect? That's a whole different discussion. And don't argue semantics here - trust and respect are very different traits. Be very clear on the distinction. People trust you when you first meet them. Now, what you say and do will earn their respect.
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