Monday, August 29, 2011

Seriously, Stop Whining

If you were not dumped out of a white panel van at your workplace today with your hands bound behind you, blindfold over your eyes and gag over your mouth then you arrived at work ... willingly.

People who say they can't function until they've had their first cup of coffee need to get up about an hour before they normally do, have their coffee at home and THEN go to work.

People who are counting the days until retirement are living a jail sentence. If you can't find any happiness in your work, you are likely to find less in retirement.

But what about the people having a good day who are forced to endure people who complain because it's Monday, Tuesday, 3 more days to the weekend, etc? For the complainers, do you think people actually want to hear you complain? Seriously?

If you disliked your last job and the one before that and the one before that and you've begun to dislike this one, it's not the job that's the problem.

If you're seriously unhappy about your job, then find another job. That's not a flippant statement. Do something else. Run a french-fry truck, weave baskets or do whatever brings you joy. But seriously, stop whining. It really isn't making you very attractive, or your co-workers any happier, is it?

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Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert and Speaker

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