Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are You Still Afraid To Be Honest?

Honest communication is the backbone of any successful corporate Culture initiative. You can plan and strategize all you want but in order to make a positive change in Culture takes communication - people talking directly to people.

Hiding behind voicemail and email doesn't make a workplace any better. Harboring bitter resentment towards a co-worker without addressing it only creates more animosity. Filter-Free Fridays are designed to get stuff off of your chest before that stuff eats into your guts and creates an ulcer.

You don't have to be hurtful in being honest. In fact, honesty is so rare in the workplace that any sign of it might be conceived as a breath of fresh air.

So, on Friday, take back your spine, pony up and if there is something that needs to be addressed, then address it - in a non-hurtful way. Here's a key ingredient to excellent communication on Filter-Free Friday: be respectful - not regretful.

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