Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nice Guys Earn 18 Percent Less

Oh crap, just what we need, a survey showing that nice people at work earn less - as much as 18% less. Workplaces are already facing a civility crisis and now this?

The survey also points out the problem most times: managers who just don't get it.

If you've got a manager who is mostly absent and you want to get noticed for promotion or at least a raise, you have to raise your profile and get in the boss's face. Most people don't know how to do this positively so they act like jerks, the manager doesn't want to deal with it, the employee gets the raise - rewarding lousy behavior.

Got a jerk in the workplace? That jerk getting paid more? Bring it up and into the open. Point out that not-so-nice people are being rewarded for their lack of civility. Ask your boss if that's what they had in mind for the department. Maybe your boss isn't even aware that they are rewarding poor behavior.

Let's be civil in the workplace. There are already enough jerks that we have to deal with daily. Let's not reward them.

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