Thursday, June 03, 2010

The F-word And Filter Free Friday™

The reason why Filter-Free Friday has become necessary is because people don't tell the truth if it makes them look like a complainer or if it will create animosity. So I believe that it is imperative that we all get used to speaking the truth (in a non-hurtful way) that helps individuals and organizations get better - whether they want to or not. Hence the strategy behind Filter-Free Friday.

"Fine" is a four-letter F-word that people use to politely describe something - but really say nothing - in the hopes of avoiding a confrontation or hurting someone's feelings.

Ask any serious restauranteur or any corporate manager what it's like to hearing "fine" as a customer descriptor of their service experience and they will cringe.

"I get concerned when patrons describe their dining experience as "fine," one restaurant owner said to me. "We don't have anything to go on. Did we just do okay or did we really mess up and they're too afraid to say something? I would never argue with a customer if they told me the truth and it wasn't a great experience. We can't fix what we don't know is broken."

Most serious managers and business owners want honest feedback. The good ones, no, the excellent ones want to hear exactly how they're doing from the customer perspective. It helps them identify their weak areas and build solutions for them. But then there are the mediocre orgnaizations who want to be right more than they want you to be happy. These are the folks I encourage you to give honest feedback.

Stop being a pushover customer - one who just lays down and takes it and then pays hard-earned money for it. If the experience lacks, say so. You don'have to be a jerk about it. Just be honest. If you were disappointed, say something. The good organizations will fall all over themselves making it right for you. The bad ones, well you'll know the bad ones by the way they handle a complaint. Then you can tell your friends how they either made it right or didn't bother.

Kevin Burns - Management Attitude/Culture Strategist

Creator of Filter-Free Fridays™
Creator of the 90-Day System To A Greatness Culture™

Coming Soon Kevin's 8th Book - "Your Attitude Sucks - Finding Your Excellence In A Wasteland of Mediocrity

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