Times are different now. There used to be a time when you could visit another city other than your own and make a fool of yourself and no one would know who you are. But that's all changed now thanks to web sites like YouTube and Facebook. One person's indiscretion can be easily captured and posted for all the world to see. There's not much you, as the perpetrator of acts of future embarrassment, can do.
So you would think that a university student, who probably spends a few hours each day watching YouTube videos, would be cognizant of these facts.
So while I rode the train home last night from the Calgary Flames game, it seemed strange that six male university students from the University of Calgary would get on the train inebriated and shout the foulest of foul language and discuss things that would make a porn-star blush, knowing that anyone could be recording their antics on video-cam. Their testosterone-charged sickening discussions included, within earshot of a packed train car including ladies and children, the size of their genitals, which conquest they had (descriptive) sex with, which girls (by name) preferred oral sex, which former professional football player's daughter had been one of the conquests and how they were heading to another campus bar to find another girl willing to sleep with them tonight.
Had only it all been all caught on video and posted to YouTube so that in a few years, when these clowns finally graduate (or at least apply for a job), an HR director could embarrass them with the video in their job interview and then have security show them the door. Even mom and dad could gather around the computer screen and pay witness to and be proud of their parenting skills when their little angels are on their own.
As we pulled into University Station, a round of applause erupted from the remaining passengers as the six exited the train. I have never seen a round of applause break out for the departure of train passengers. How bad did it have to be to get strangers to applaud?
The HR directors of today are doing background checks on you on-line. They're watching the videos, checking out your Facebook page, Googling your name so that if any photo tags come up, you're busted. When you're at social functions or just spending time away from work, decorum is more important now than ever. Somebody's watching and possibly recording. If there is something you wouldn't be proud of in a year or ten from now, then don't do it today. The Attitude of Connectedness shines a light into every dark corner of your life. We are all connected. Your indiscretion today could be the YouTube embarrassment of tomorrow.
Oh, and if someone applauds when you leave the room, that might be your first clue that you need to pay more attention to your conduct in public.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE by Kevin Burns - Corporate Attitude/Culture Strategist
Creator of the 90-Day Strategy to Greatness Culture
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