When you forget about your customers, your customers forget about you.
When a restaurant server forgets to bring you your meal, admits that she forgot about you, complains that she feels overwhelmed (even if she only has four tables to handle) but doesn't bother to check how long your salad has been waiting under the hot lamps before serving it to you anyway, you would forget about her when it came time to leave a tip right?
Do not reward bad service. Do not reward anyone who forgets that you are the revenue stream to their business. Do not reward any business that does not earn your business and works hard to keep it. Do not accept sub-standard food, sub-standard service, sub-standard quality or sub-standard standards.
You are in charge. You must set the standard of service. Do not accept less than your standard. If you don't set the standard, you will end up taking whatever they give you. You will be a "pushover" customer who does nothing more than encourage the business to continue offering poor service and products. You ruin it for all of the unsuspecting customers who will follow you because you didn't speak up.
Businesses only offer sub-standard service and poor quality because customers lay down and take it. Don't reward them by giving them money for their poor effort. Stop being a coward and talking about bad service behind their backs. Talk to them face-to-face.
Change your attitude and make the following statement a New Years resolution: I endeavor to offer honest feedback to those whose businesses I frequent. I will not use the word "fine" to describe my experience but will be forthright without being hurtful. I will turn off the filters and just say what's on my mind.
Stick to that resolution and watch your results soar this year.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE
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