Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Are You Beaten?

Just prior to Christmas, I was engaged in a conversation with an elegant lady - the owner of a sheep farm.

"You had better be prepared to laugh at yourself," she said.

"If not," I added, "then you'll be the only one not laughing."

We both broke out in laughter. 

Change your Attitude. Quit taking yourself so seriously. The times may have been much gloomier but there's daylight on the horizon. Lighten up and get back to work.

Sure, running an organization is serious work but it doesn't mean you have to be a humorless dolt while you're doing it. Enjoy your work - but don't make it the bane of your existence.

And make sure that your people get that message too. Enjoy the work. Be thankful for your job. Have an Attitude of Gratitude for what life sends your way. And, at the end of the day, smile for goodness sake. It makes you look less beaten down by your work.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE

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