Wednesday, July 14, 2010

3 Business Questions To Ask Right Now

It's summer and for most businesses, it's a little slow - except for companies like road construction, golf courses, air conditioner repair and sales. You get the idea. If your workplace is a little less hectic at this time of the year, why not start some conversations to generate some new ideas and give your organization an honest rating of how you are doing?

Here three questions every organization should be asking itself. All of your people should be involved in the conversations - they are part of the problem and solution:
  1. Are we serving our customers the very best that we can or are we taking the "easy" way (identify what the easy way is)?
  2. Are we talking to each other enough and creating that Culture of teamwork (identify what you should be talking to each other about)?
  3. Are we actively finding the very best talent to join us or being lazy and just accepting those who apply (are you getting the best or the leftovers - this should identify where you stand in your industry)?
The difference between mediocrity and greatness is in the answers to those three questions. Why not start some of the conversations today.

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