Thursday, October 05, 2006

Welcome Bloggers, Diarists, Readers and Thinkers

Well it only took a few years to come into the techy age. I suppose I am about to get an education on the intricacies of weblogs. But then, I've spent more than fifteen minutes today sorting this thing out. I've aready learned a lot and could probably answer a few questions, if you had them.

I suppose that's the point really: do something everyday that you've never done before and you will be rewarded with education. Not sure if I'm really any smarter than when I started out today but I have an education on how blogs work.

Over the next little while I will be adding my thoughts, epiphanies and other asorted "a-ha" moments, spiced with a few opinions, observations and (I am sure from time to time) mood swings. I will also be adding my monthly Musings column as I write them and if you wish to come back and read them, if I figure out how, I'll set them up with Musings and the date.

Please bear with me as I enter this new arena. It's kind of exciting and I'm not sure what to expect. But I came here to have a little fun. So let's have it.


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