(October 25)
I met John this week. I met him in a pub in the Pittsburgh Airport. He was flying to Norfolk, Virginia. In conversation with this professional traveller, I asked him what he does for a living.
"You know those little staples that close the bags at the top of a frozen turkey?" he asked me. "That's what I sell."
I've often wondered who did that work. No really, I do think about things like that. (What, did you you think they just magically appear?)
John explained that they sell the machines that staple the bags as well as the staples - the consumables. He explained it to me like this: the machinery to attach the staple is sold for a discount but it only fits one kind of staple: theirs. The staples sell for a premium. (Think ink jet printers. Printer = cheap. Ink cartridge = premium)
He owns a ranch in Ohio, 5 acres of land, half wooded and half cleared, a 2-storey house and 4 vehicles. So when you buy your Christmas turkey this year, remind yourself that John has a family to feed. Cut the bag but save the staple. Tell your guests the story about the staple. Every thing in this world is some kind of commodity. Everyone gets a fair shot to make a decent living and provide well for their families. No product is insignificant. In the same way, no job is insignificant. That includes yours.
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