Friday, November 20, 2009

81% Looking For New Jobs in 2010

When the recession hit, you abandoned your people in favor of saving a few dollars. And that was a big mistake. I warned you several times over this past year to get back to business-as-normal and keep your people trained, talk to them, assure them that their jobs will be OK and to communicate with them about those you had to let go. But you didn't do it as you should have and now, today, proof positive of exactly what I told you would happen if you didn't heed my warning.

Reuters News Service announced today that 60% of workers will be actively looking for new work in 2010 and another 21% are actively networking to see what's out there. Can you do the math? 81% of the North American workforce are looking for another job, another employer and greener pastures.

That means that your financials are going to be hit hard in the re-training and on-boarding budget areas. The money you saved last year in training is going to be spent by three or four times next year. 2010 is going to be expensive for your organization. For the past two years, you've cut your training budgets just to save a few dollars and now you going to pay handsomely to search out, recruit, on-board and train new employees - which will cost you 1.5 times the annual salary for each lost employee (average cost to replace a lost employee).

Right Management, part of Manpower Inc. conducted the survey. "Employees are clearly expressing their pent-up frustration with how they have been treated through the downturn," said Douglas Matthews, president of Right Management, in a statement. "While employers may have taken the necessary steps to streamline operations to remain viable, it appears many employees may have felt neglected in the process," he said. "The result is a disengaged and disgruntled work force."

The collective Attitudes in the workforce are shaky and disillusioned right now. That is going to hit your corporate culture hard over the next 12 months. What are your plans to keep your good people from actively searching? Right now, it's their Attitudes you need to overcome. Change their Attitudes and you can change how hard you get hit by this wave of mass exodus.

Lousy time for "I told you so" but I did: on March 11, 2009 and again on June 26, 2009.

But it's not too late if you do something right away to turn those Attitudes around. I can still help - if you need it. Or, will you ignore this warning too.
Attitude w/ ATTITUDE

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more,I myself love my job, but with a uncertian future. who now's/
Any one need a mascot to hire.