Thursday, July 09, 2009

David Versus Goliath - Modern Day

Dave Carroll, singer and songwriter from Halifax made a complaint to United Airlines about how they handled his guitars and Chicago's O'Hare Airport. United stonewalled him for a long time .... until he put together this video and posted it to YouTube.

Now United is finally responding - especially after 640,000 views of the video.

Here's the problem, people will remember the chorus from this song for years and United will hurt because of it ... for years. They should have been accountable and fixed it right away but they didn't. And now it will cost them for a long time.

Customers have the power to make changes. Take that Attitude with you when you spend your money. You are in control.

1 comment:

Bobby Ng said...

Kevin, I'm delighted that Dave Carroll went to solution with his brilliant musical rejoinder. From United, what a sterling example of "Your Attitude Sucks".