Thursday, April 09, 2009

If The Job Is Boring, Maybe It’s Not The Job

Ok, you’ve heard about Southwest Airlines. They are the airline in the United States that makes the experience just a little bit different. As a flight attendant on any airline, what do you think the boring parts of the job are? My guess, having flown enough, is that the announcements on most airlines are always the same, the passengers all start to look the same, the airports all start to look the same and you can bet that the boredom factor can be high when you’ve been up and down on five or six flights in the same day.

So that means that the fun on the job would be up to the employee – otherwise it’s a boring affair after a while.

Have a look at the following video to see what happens when you exercise a little creativity in the mundane work each day.

ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT: Don’t complain that the job is boring. It’s boring if you let it be boring. If you want some excitement, make it exciting. You’ll have many more better days than boring ones.

1 comment:

Later Later said...

How cool is that. The youtube on this blog is very helpul if you think your job is boring. This encourages me to think about my job a little differently. Thank you.