Monday, June 11, 2007

It Just Takes A Little Effort

I have just finished my breakfast at the Halifax Airport. As I stood in front of the trash containers with my leftover garbage, I was met with bins displaying four choices:

Refundables - for those items which can get one a refund (bottles, cans, etc)

Recyclables - for those items which can be recycled but perhaps may not be able to get a refund on a deposit (plastics, cardboard, etc)

Organics - for those items which will break down in the environment (unprocessed foods, paper, etc)

Garbage - for all of the other items which would not fall into any of the other categories.

I really had to think for a moment about which bins I would use. Then I realized the magic of this system: I was forced to think consciously about my trash. There was no choice to act unconsciously.

Congratulations Halifax. You forced me to make a conscious decision on the environment today. Well done.

Now about your harbour...

Kevin Burns - The Chief Instigation Officer of Laugh-Long Learning!

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