"It isn't always easy," he admits. "Sometimes there are one or two who become a little jaded and that can spell trouble for the rest of the staff."
Truer words were never spoken. Once a small group of employees decide that they would rather sit back and be cynical and view the world and their jobs with the "stink-eye," it requires either a firm commitment from the jaded ones to commit to improving themselves and their attitudes or it's up to management to surgically remove the cancer begore it spreads through the rest of the staff. If that happens, rest assured demands of the staff will increase and productivity will plummet.
In the same way that it is your responsibility to stay physically healthy to be able to fulfill your responsibilities, you are just as responsible for keeping mentally healthy and steering clear of the cynics and those with a seriously negative attitude.
The more time you spend around the complainers, the more you will desensitize to their points of view. Your defenses begin to drop in the same way unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices make you more succeptible to colds and flus. Cynicism, suspicion and negativity are as contagious as flu bugs. Just like you can build up defenses to germs, you can build an immunity to cynicism and negativity.
You see, if you only subscribe to a cynical point of view, you will become cynical. If, however, you constantly put yourself on a diet of self-improvement, you will constantly improve and so will your thoughts, your decisions and naturally, your results.
The better you get, the more you begin to see how petty, meaningless and sad a cynic's life really is and how dangerous that attitude is to others. You owe it to yourself to defend yourself from these cancers. Do whatever it takes to make sure cynicism, suspicion and negativity never invade your workplace.
If, however, you are the cynic, prepare yourself. The sooner you're fired, the better it is for company productivity, customer service and for you to finally get the message that we don't want your kind where we work.
Bottom-line: it is your responsibility to not become jaded nor take on the cynicism of others.
Kevin Burns - The Chief Instigation Officer of Laugh-Long Learning!
Read/Comment on Kevin's Blog http://www.kevburns.com/blog.html
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