"How can I help you today?" He asked cheerily.
"I stayed at your hotel last week for a whole week. It was my first trip to Disney ever," I started.
"Really! Your first trip? How did we do?" He asked right away.
"Actually, pretty good. As a matter of fact, last Wednesday, we spent the day at Epcot and caught a rather interesting film: The Circle Of Life Eco-film."
"Yes I know the one you mean," he added.
"Well, after the film I noticed all of the recycling bins for bottles and cans at the theme parks, but none at the Disney Resort Hotel. Why is that?" I asked.
"Ahh, well we used to recycle here but it didn't work out real well. People would shove half-eaten burgers, popsicles and even used diapers through the holes meant for bottles and cans, which meant that our staff would have to go through all of the "stuff" to get the recyclables. That was one very messy job and incredibly time-consuming. So we chose to end it."
"So what about small blue or green box bins in the rooms?" I asked. "After all, you deliver USA Today to every room every day. That's a lot of newspapers not being recycled. Bottles, cans and newspapers could go into the bins in the rooms. People like me would bring our recyclables back to the room to be recycled if there weren't bins by the pool for example."
All was quiet for a moment.
Dave spoke again. "You mean put a little plastic tub like those tubs for recycling office paper in offices?"
"Something is better than nothing," I added.
Dave paused, then said, "That's a simple idea that could work. And you're right. We deliver a lot of newspapers everyday."
Before we hung up the phone, Dave committed to making this idea a priority. He took my phone number and vowed to touch base with me in a few days to keep me updated.
Hmm, pretty easy to make a difference when you speak up isn't it?
More as it becomes available.
Kevin Burns - The Chief Instigation Officer of Laugh-Long Learning!
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