Below is an excerpt from Kevin's forthcoming book, Tweak™ - Building A Better Workplace In 10 Seconds Or Less!
Ultimately, every organization having difficulty with turnover, staff retention, customer retention and recruiting can point their fingers and blame one of two things within their organization: Human Resources (the people they hire) and Management (how they manage them). That's it. Simple. It's either Management or HR to blame for where your company is today.
Are you employing the same kinds of people you did 20 years ago? Are you managing the same staff you did 20 years ago? Are you using the same technology from 20 years ago? Overwhelmingly the answer is "NO."
So why are you hiring the same way you did 20 years ago and still using outdated management practices? The truth is, both conventional (what we've come to know as conventional) Management practices and conventional Human Resources practices are out of date. What ultimately holds almost every organization back is the people they hire and how they're managed. And what propels and organization forward is exactly the same: the people they hire and how they're managed.
Knowing this, why do you think so little effort is spent by organizations in training managers to a level of excellence and/or deploying a forward-thinking and highly-motivated staff of recruiters to go out and steal the best talent in the market?
Is it because companies are happy with mediocrity: a middle-of-the-pack performance? Or is it because that's what everyone else is doing? We don't think companies are "happy" with being in the middle of the pack - that's just where they end up when they follow someone else's model for management and HR.
Not everyone can be a Google or a Starbucks or a Netflix: industry/market leaders. Once your industry has a leader, everyone else automatically becomes a follower. Following another company's management practices or their hiring practices or their training practices will only make you a shadow of what they are. That is no way to ever achieve market-leader status nor is it any way to ever be top-of-the-heap when it comes to attracting the best talent, the best ideas and the best managers.
When companies pay big money for expertise from outside resources, they had better be getting ideas and strategies that weren't even thought of 20 years ago. I know professional "speakers" that if they were to open a book written in the last five years, they would have to scrap everything they're currently preaching because it's old, outdated and just doesn't work anymore. Consultants offering up the same ideas they offered to clients twenty years ago shouldn't be rewarded for not being current. Management trainers who regurgitate old concepts built on hierarchy, bureaucracy, planning and control should refund their paychecks. Google did not achieve market-leader status by doing what everyone else is doing.
This is a new time, a new market, with new faces employing new ideas, new concepts and new values. And the changes are only going to get bigger and faster. In fact, in the year 2015, seventy-five percent of your workforce is going to be either over age 50 or under age 30. That means you are more likely to see seventy year-olds working alongside twenty year-olds. Are your managers prepared to manage a 50-year age disparity? If you think you can manage a Gen Y the same way you've managed a Baby Boomer, because you've always managed that way, you're sadly mistaken. You will not be ready and your company will suffer as a result.
For more on Kevin's Tweak™ Management program, check out
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Kevin Burns – Workplace Expert – Management Consultant – Keynote Speaker
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