Monday, October 03, 2011

New Productivity Tool

I don't often openly endorse a product but this one is a brilliant tool for anyone wanting to help build better performance for themselves and their company. And it's FREE. is a brilliantly simple program to get you focused on not just keeping busy ... but more importantly, being productive. And I am using it and loving it.

I get an email at the end of each work day asking me to take a few moments to itemize the things that got done today - hence the name "I Done This." Then, by simply replying to the email, my accomplishments are placed on a calendar of things I got done. Once you register, you can view your calendar of accomplishments and all of your past history at any time.

Anything that didn't get down today gets moved to the top of the To-Do list (your own list) for tomorrow. This is so much MORE than simple time management.

This is about that voice in your own head that forces you to make decisions, take action and get things done. And did I mention it's free?

Start focusing on what you DID get done and stop placing too much emphasis on what still needs doing. You, like me, will find yourself working smarter and getting a lot more done in the same amount of time.

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Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert and Speaker

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