Building a better workplace takes focus and attention to detail. This blog helps you attack those details. Whether your are a manager, supervisor, mid-manager, business owner or HR manager, this Blog is for you.
Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert/Keynote Speaker
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Vacation Time
Meanwhile, for our Canadian readers, Happy Canada Day on Friday (July 1). For our American readers, Happy Fourth of July on Monday.
Be safe, be courteous and continue to make building a better workplace a priority in your respective workplace.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Video: Are You Putting Your People At Risk?
Are You Actively Putting Your People At Risk? from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.
Workplace Expert, Kevin Burns argues that companies who do not care about their people enough to ensure that they follow safe procedures it could be argued do not care about their customers either. How you do one thing is how you do everything. How can you say you care about your customers but not the people who serve your customers?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Video: Why Mid-Managers Are The Lifeblood
Why Mid-Managers Are Lifeblood from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.
Kevin Burns, Workplace Expert, says most middle managers get very little training and are thrust into a role that most are ill-prepared for. It is the most thankless job and the one with the highest "hassle" factor. Add to that, when the economy tanks, middle managers are usually the first to go. The truth is, I am on the side of middle managers. I want them to get better.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Video: You Call Yourself A Professional?
You Call Yourself A Professional? from Kevin Burns on Vimeo.
Kevin Burns, Workplace Expert, tackles the subject of being a "professional." How can you call your people "professionals" when you only give them formal feedback once a year? Do you think Tiger gets one golf lesson each year? How about Kobe or Sidney Crosby? You say you run a "professional" organization but do you really?