Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Video: Managers Need Better Time Management

So managers, let me ask you this question, if only twenty percent of your time is spent actually managing, who is it that really needs a Time Management course? The truth is that Time Management is never about time. It's about having clearly defined priorities. And it is the manager's job to ensure that the clear priorities have been communicated to the staff. So how can the manager make that happen?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Video: Why Companies Say No To Social Media

Does it seem just a little strange that the people who are supposed to be visionary leaders of our organizations are looking like relics simply because they outlaw social media purely based on not understanding or using it?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Manager's Easy Performance Review

Performance reviews rank second on the list of management duties that managers dread - right behind firing someone. The problem with these reviews is that they are left up to the manager to once a year prepare something to say to the employee.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Video: How To Fix Tardiness

When you let people get away with tardiness, you tell the rest of the staff - the other eighty percent of your workforce - that it’s OK to be irresponsible and you actually encourage more of the same behaviour. You, by not enforcing consequences, are making yourself look bad and ineffective as a manager.
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