Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Excellence Looks Like

About a year ago, I read an interesting article from sales-trainer Jeffery Gitomer, who said, "why wouldn't you be the best you can be in whatever you choose to do?"

A fine question indeed. Why wouldn't you be the best salesperson, the best manager, the best customer service rep, the best ... well you get the idea. Excellence is excellence in whatever you choose to do. I know I do my best to constantly improve what I do, what I say, how I communicate, what I write and ... again, you get the picture.

That's why I was so amazed at what showed up in my email Inbox today. My guitar-playing buddy, Jack, sent me a video of a guitar player who just oozes excellence. One guy, by himself, playing a Martin acoustic guitar. Have a look at the video and tell me that this guy isn't just plain excellent.

How can you be excellent in what you do?

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