Monday, February 19, 2007

New Columns Coming

OK. So last week, on a phone call with a friend who shall remain Bev, it was explained to me that there was a need for not just Tips for Bosses which I have been writing lately, but Bev also explained about the need for Tips for Employees.

“But that’s just a given,” I pleaded. “People should already know what’s expected of them as employees.”

Apparently not. Bev explained a couple of things to me and now I see the need for Tips for Employees. So here it is. It’s the first in a series of Employee Tips to make life on the job a little better and a little smoother. We will take a break from Tips for Bosses this week and focus on the employees instead.

Looks like I have a juggling act ahead of me. I will see how easy it is to juggle back and forth between stuff for bosses (which should be required reading for employees to set a standard within their job for others, including their bosses, to rise to) and stuff for employees (which should be required reading for bosses as they too are employees of the company and set the standard for conduct).

Stay tuned. New columns are coming.

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