Monday, May 10, 2010

The New Mid-Manager: Coach and Mentor

"If I don't hear from my manager, then I must be doing OK."

That's the old-school management philosophy - not talking to your people unless you're dumping on them or chewing them out. And any manager that is still adhering to that philosophy of say-nothing-unless-they're-in-deep-sewage is a prime candidate for "worst manager of the organization." This is NOT something to be proud of.

If as a manager you're not reading books, watching videos and attending seminars on how to be a better manager, something that updates your perspective from the 1970's, then you honestly don't deserve to be a manager anymore because you're holding back some really good people from reaching their potential. You should be stripped of your title and moved out of the way. Your department is in need of a serious makeover - something that honors its people and understands the basic fundamentals of coaching as the new management strategy.

And don't be seduced by the whole trendy Leadership movement. Don't think Leadership is the way to manage better. It is not. Leadership and management are two different things. Think Mentoring and Coaching as the new management philosophy. Leadership is more of a personal development tool. Mentoring/Coaching/Managing are about showing, helping and inspiring your people.

Corporate Culture rests with middle-managers. Mid-managers have the power to hear what employees are saying while being able to sell the vision from upper management. But if you as a mid-manager won't be coached (won't read, won't watch, won't learn), then I can't help you. You're on your own.

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Deb said...

At last, something in favour of us poor, slogging 'managers'. In all the brouhaha about 'leadership potential', we nuts & bolts people seem always to be left behind.

Just as car diesel engine technology improved by leaps & bounds while the petrol czars were sleeping on the laurels, us 'pure play' managers have (or have been forced to) continuously upgraded our management skills to better respond to the changing work landscape and, more importantly, the changing profile of our team members. However, the so called 'leadership' czars never noticed us, held in thrall by the charismatic superstars.

High time someone gave us back a bit of the primacy, as no enterprise is likely to function smoothly and efficiently without nuts & bolts 'managers'.

Kudos, Kevin, for weighing in in our favour & showing the right path.

Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert said...


My pleasure to give kudos where they are due. The whole Leadership movement is a bunch of hype being populated by so many who have never actually led anyone. It's a cash-cow and it's trendy. The real work is still being done by nuts-and-bolts mid-managers who despite working for upper managers who catch a whiff of the latest trend and chase it for a while, someone has to make sure the doors continue to stay open. Congrats on the work you do.

Attending Leadership courses doesn't make more sales, doesn't recruit the best of the best, doesn't cover off people who are home sick today and doesn't improve the customer experience today. That's the work of the mid-managers who can be counted on to stay at home and look after business while others are off chasing visions and finding their inner guides.

Congratulations on the work you do.